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1. Low-temperature measurement system - 77K ~ 500K

2. Keithley 4200 SCS - Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer with C-V kit & Pulsed I-V kit

3. Keithley 2657A High Power Source Meter (up to 3kV)

4. Keithley 230 Programmable Voltage Source

5. Keithley 595 Quasi-static CV Meter

6. Keithley 590 CV Analyzer

7. Keithley 220 Programmable current Source

8. Agilent E4980A LCR meter (20Hz - 2MHz)

9. Keysight 33622A Waveform Generator, 120 MHz, 2-Channel

10. Keysight DSOX2022A Oscilloscope

11. Stanford Research System DS360 Ultra Low Distortion Function Generator

12. Tektronix AFG 3022B Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator
13. Tektronix MSO 4104 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

14. Signatone Probe station with a dark box

15. Signatone High Temp Hot Chuck System with water chiller (ambient to 600C)

16. Horiba Tunable light source (200nm ~ 800nm, 300W)

17. Olympus BX-53M Microscope with PC

18. Optical Tables 

19. Convection oven (50C-250C with 0.5C accuracy)

20. Optical power meter (UV~NIR, uW~100mW)

21. FLIR Thermal scanner (-50C ~ 400C)

22. Filmetrics Profilm3D (Non-contact 3D surface profiler)

23. Biolin TL101 Theta Lite Optical Tensiometer (contact angle measurement system)

24. Hall Effect Measurement System (MMR technology, 0.5T~1.5T & 77K~450K tunability)

25. Microspot Optical Transparency Measurement System (8um spot size in 200nm~1100nm)

26. Optical fiber probing system (Formfactor Technology, 1um spot size)

27. Filmetric F40- film thickness & n,k measurement system (190nm~1100nm)




Department of Materials Design and Innovation

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